How to Change Your Palworld Server Settings

Nastrix By Nastrix
palworld hosting

In this article, you will learn how to change your Palworld server settings, as well as what each variables are.


It’s already been nearly two months since launch and Palworld is just in Early Access, so if you’re getting issues with play, there’s some settings in your Palworld server you can change.

How to edit your PalWorldSettings.ini File

  • Head over to the File Manager
  • Go to the PalWorldSettings.ini located in Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini

Make sure to backup your PalWorldSettings.ini file. If you make changes you don’t like you can then easily revert back to your old settings.

Below is the default Palworld Server Config which you can copy to your PalWorldSettings.ini file.


If you know what you are looking at, then great! To make changes, you will need to STOP your server first, make required changes, and then START your server again.

Explaining what each Variables do in your PalWorldSettings.ini File

How to change your Palworld Server Settings

The Picture above is of what the PalWorldSettings.ini file will look like – it’s all smooshed up code. You probably have no idea what you’re even looking at! That’s ok, we will show you what every single one of the variables are and what they will change.

Bellow is all of the Palworld Server Setting Variables:

  • Difficulty: None – Appears irrelevant for dedicated servers.
  • DayTimeSpeedRate: 1.000000 – Alters the duration of daytime.
  • NightTimeSpeedRate: 1.000000 – Alters the duration of nighttime.
  • ExpRate: 1.000000 – Modifies the amount of experience gained.
  • PalCaptureRate: 1.000000 – Likelihood of capturing Pals.
  • PalSpawnNumRate: 1.000000 – Frequency of Pal spawning.
  • PalDamageRateAttack: 1.000000 – Amount of damage inflicted by Pals.
  • PalDamageRateDefense: 1.000000 – Amount of damage Pals endure.
  • PlayerDamageRateAttack: 1.000000 – Amount of damage players deal.
  • PlayerDamageRateDefense: 1.000000 – Amount of damage players withstand.
  • PlayerStomachDecreaseRate: 1.000000 – Rate at which hunger decreases for players.
  • PlayerStaminaDecreaseRate: 1.000000 – Rate at which stamina decreases for players.
  • PlayerAutoHPRegenRate: 1.000000 – Speed at which HP is automatically restored when hurt.
  • PlayerAutoHpRegenRateInSleep: 1.000000 – Amount of HP regenerated while sleeping.
  • PalStomachDecreaseRate: 1.000000 – Rate at which Pal hunger decreases.
  • PalStaminaDecreaseRate: 1.000000 – Rate at which Pal stamina decreases.
  • PalAutoHPRegenRate: 1.000000 – Speed at which Pal HP is automatically restored when hurt.
  • PalAutoHpRegenRateInSleep: 1.000000 – Amount of Pal HP regenerated while sleeping.
  • BuildObjectDamageRate: 1.000000 – Damage to objects.
  • BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate: 1.000000 – Amount of damage built objects take over time.
  • CollectionDropRate: 1.000000 – Rate at which items are gathered from things like trees or rocks.
  • CollectionObjectHpRate: 1.000000 – HP of breakable world items.
  • CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate: 1.000000 – Speed at which objects like trees respawn.
  • EnemyDropItemRate: 1.000000 – Frequency of enemies dropping items.
  • DeathPenalty: All – Determines what is dropped on death; can be set to none.
  • bEnableAimAssistPad: True – Allows enabling or disabling aim assist for the pad.
  • bEnableAimAssistKeyboard: False – Allows enabling or disabling aim assist for the keyboard.
  • DropItemMaxNum: 3000 – Maximum number of dropped items allowed at one time.
  • BaseCampMaxNum: 128 – Maximum number of bases that can be built at once.
  • BaseCampWorkerMaxNum: 15 – Maximum number of worker Pals that can be at a camp.
  • DropItemAliveMaxHours: 1.000000 – Duration before dropped items disappear.
  • bAutoResetGuildNoOnlinePlayers: False – If true, a guild will disband if no players are online.
  • AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers: 72.000000 – Duration before an inactive guild disbands.
  • GuildPlayerMaxNum: 20 – Maximum number of players in a guild.
  • PalEggDefaultHatchingTime: 72.000000 – Duration for hatching Pal eggs.
  • WorkSpeedRate: 1.000000 – Speed at which Pals work.
  • CoopPlayerMaxNum: 4 – Maximum number of players in a party.
Invader EnemyToggle the presence of invader enemies in the game world.
Start Location Select by MapAllow or disallow players to choose their initial spawn location from the in-game map.
Non-Login PenaltyApply penalties to inactive players who haven’t logged in for a certain period.
Fast TravelEnable or disable the usage of fast travel waypoints for convenient navigation.
Guild Death Penalty Drop PickupDetermine if players can pick up drops from death penalties of non-guild members.
DifficultyCurrently has no discernible effect on dedicated servers.
Death PenaltyChoose the penalty for player death: None, Item, ItemAndEquipment, or the default All.
Day Time Speed RateAdjust the speed at which daytime progresses with a multiplier.
Night Time Speed RateModify the speed of nighttime progression using a multiplier.
Experience RateControl the rate at which players gain experience with a multiplier.
Work Speed RateSet the working speed of Pals using a multiplier for increased efficiency.
Pal Capture RateAdjust the likelihood of successfully capturing Pals with a multiplier.
Pal Spawn RateControl the frequency of new Pals spawning in the world using a multiplier.
Pal Damage Rate AttackAdjust the damage dealt by Pals using a multiplier.
Pal Damage Rate DefenceAdjust the damage resistance of Pals using a multiplier.
Pal Stomach Decrease RateSet the rate at which Pals lose hunger saturation with a multiplier.
Pal Stamina Decrease RateSet the rate at which Pals lose stamina during exertion with a multiplier.
Pal Auto HP Regen RateControl the automatic restoration rate of a Pal’s HP when hurt with a multiplier.
Pal Auto HP Regen Rate While SleepingAdjust the automatic HP restoration rate for sleeping Pals when hurt with a multiplier.
Pal Egg Hatching TimeSpecify the time in hours it takes for Pal eggs to hatch. Default is 72.
Player Damage Rate AttackAdjust the damage dealt by players using a multiplier.
Player Damage Rate DefenseAdjust the damage resistance of players using a multiplier.
Player Stomach Decrease RateSet the rate at which players lose hunger saturation with a multiplier.
Player Stamina Decrease RateSet the rate at which players lose stamina during exertion with a multiplier.
Player Auto HP Regen RateControl the automatic restoration rate of a player’s HP when hurt with a multiplier.
Player Auto HP Regen Rate While SleepingAdjust the automatic HP restoration rate for sleeping players when hurt with a multiplier.
Auto Disband Guild if no Players are OnlineAutomatically disband guilds if no players are online for a configured amount of time.
Auto Disband Guild if no Players are Online TimeIf enabled, guilds will be automatically disbanded after a configured amount of time in hours. Default is 72.
Guild Max PlayersSet the maximum number of players allowed within a single guild.
Coop Max PlayersSet the maximum number of players allowed within a single party.
Build Object Damage RateAdjust the damage objects take when hit with a multiplier.
Build Object Deterioration Damage RateDetermine how much damage built objects will take over time naturally with a multiplier.
Collection Drop RateSet the rate at which dropped items are collected with a multiplier.
Collection Object HP RateAdjust the HP of collectable/breakable items in the world with a multiplier.
Collection Object Respawn Speed RateSet the respawn speed of items in the world like trees, rocks, sticks, etc., with a multiplier.
Enemy Drop Item RateSet how often enemies will drop items with a multiplier.
Dropped Item Alive Max HoursSpecify the duration in hours dropped items will stay on the floor before despawning. Default is 1.
Max Dropped ItemsSet the maximum number of items that can exist on the ground at once on your server. Default is 3000.
Max Base CampsSet the maximum number of base camps that can exist on your server. Default is 128.
Max Base Camp WorkersSet the maximum number of workers that can work in a single base camp. Default is 15.

My Palworld Server Keeps Crashing

If your Palworld Server keeps crashing then you need to take a look at our guide on how to fix Palworld Server crashes. If you are looking for more help with Palworld then check out the support page.